Whether historical or not, I have always been interested in the following concept:
An old custom comes down from the monasteries of medieval times, where the monks used to get extra treats during this octave before Christmas. For example, on December 19th, when the Church calls on Christ, “O Radix Jesse” (“O Root of Jesse”), Brother Gardener brought his choicest vegetables and fruits, with specially beautiful roots among them; or on December 20th, when the Antiphon says, “O Key of David. . . .” Brother Cellarer used his key for the wine cellar and brought out the best wine. Finally, on December 23rd, it was the turn of the Abbot, who came with special gifts to the brothers. This beautiful custom could be restored in families, the members of the house taking turns in providing a surprise at the evening meal... [Maria Trapp, Around the Year with the Trapp Family]
Here are some menu ideas... do you have any to share?
The O-Antiphons
O Wisdom (Dec 17)
O Lord (who shows Himself to Moses in the burning bush) (Dec 18)
O Root of Jesse (Dec 19)
Root Vegetable Salad (Red cabbage, carrots, and cheese, in a lemon-olive oil dressing)
Himmel und Erd
O Key of David (Dec 20)
White Beans cooked in red wine
O Radiant Dawn (Dec 21)
Eggs baked with Spinach
Pasta with sun-dried tomato pesto
O King of Nations (Dec 22)
Chicken ala King
Crown Roast
King crab cakes
O Emmanuel (Dec 23)
In the place of Father Abbot, Dad makes dinner
I wrote this http://catholiccuisine.blogspot.com/2008/12/o-antiphons.html last year with some simple ideas matching the symbols. The idea seems to be taking off. I like the more-sophisticated suggestions you offer.
I suggest sparkling cider for the kids on December 20, and a crown cake (baked in a standard bundt pan with candy "jewels") for the 22nd.
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