Of course, the Vatican is launching things in their own, unique way with a web site, a special Mass, and an official song for the occasion, but I'm more interested in what parishes, families, and individual Catholics are doing to receive the graces of this year. To that end, it's interesting to finally see some news in this category. To promote the reading of the Catechism, Flocknote has created what looks like a really simple program to read through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in a year. Simply sign up here and beginning on October 11 you'll get an email with your daily reading assignment.
"And as you read a little bit every day, the truths of God will soak into your soul. You’ll gain new insights into how these things apply to your life. You’ll find yourself growing stronger in faith and closer to God as the year goes because the Catechism is truly light along the path of faith. Isn’t that what the Year of Faith is all about?" **If you know of any plans for celebrating the Year of Faith, or have suggestions, mention them in the comment box. And when we hear of things, we'll be sure to post them here; just watch for the Year of Faith logo.
*Seriously, it's been 20 years? Boy, does that make me feel old!
**Cloche Tip to Marc Cardaronella
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