Perhaps the highlight of the airplane magazine was the mention of LUPEC- Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails.
Their mission is fantastic:
In a post-millenium world of beer and prepackaged Chex Mix™, LUPEC works tirelessly to breed, raise, and release cocktails that are endangered or even believed to be extinct.
The collecting of anachronistic recipes by women, and the resulting creation of endangered cocktails in an all woman setting is intended to achieve the following goals
o To create a[n] atmosphere in which Classy Broads of today can invoke and honor the spirits of their Forebroads
o To continue the 150 year American tradition of dangerous women calling themselves Ladies and getting together in groups, clubs, and societies to work undercover while they chipped away at the patriarchy.
o To protect the collective Joie de Vivre of LUPEC members by assuring them at least one good party a month
o To encourage the accumulation and use of vintage serving and barware.
Check out their advice to bartenders and cocktail rankings!
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