A visit to blogging friend Lucy's Advent preparations reminded me of the riches to be found at the Web Gallery of Art. This is one of the few places on the web where I can spend way too much time, but still not feel like the time was wasted.
If you are searching for a painting of a particular theme, start with their very helpful search engine. This Advent, I plan to use my home computer's background as a way to expose my family to more Renaissance beauty through the Parade of Annunciations (a new one each day taken from the Gallery's 267 choices). I'm beginning with this Caravaggio.
Thanks so much for mentioning this Art Gallery website. What a feast for the eyes!
I just discovered your site via the Whapsters, and I'm delighted. I don't quite fit your parameters for being a church lady, probably because at the moment I live with a community of sisters without a regular priest about, but as an aspiring church lady I'm looking forward to what you all have to say.
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