Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Adopt a Seminarian

While visiting the Institute of Christ the King's St Mary's Oratory this weekend, I learned about this laudable venture, Adopting a Seminarian:

The expense of maintaining a seminary, and of lodging, feeding, providing instruction and supplying the necessary study materials to approximately sixty young men is very high. Our seminarians are thus asked to contribute the relatively small amount of $750 per month toward these costs; but many are not able to afford this contribution.

Would you be willing to adopt a seminarian and help support him throughout his seminary years? While occasional donations to the Seminary are gratefully accepted, we would be deeply thankful if you could commit a monthly amount to fully or partially cover the expenses of one of our American seminarians.

To adopt a seminarian, (1) please use this form or (2) go to www.institute-christ-king.org/support.cfm, check bullet "For American Seminarians," and fill out the Credit Card donation information (there is an option for recurring monthly parcels at "For recurring monthly donations").

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