Thursday, January 17, 2008

A fellow Church Lady

In doing a little spiritual preparation for my August wedding, I encountered the following quote from St Gianna.

"The months leading up to [St Gianna's] wedding on September 24, 1955, passed very quickly. Everything they needed was purchased for the apartment where the newlyweds would live; the most beautiful and costly material was purchased for the bridal gown, with the remark, 'If a son of mine becomes a priest, I would like to make vestments for him out of my bridal gown.'"
[Holbock, Married Saints and Blesseds]

What a beautiful idea! The symbolism of one's wedding dress being used at the Mass is just lovely.


ashley said...

I knew a priest in high school who was the youngest in his family (of seven, I think). His mother turned her wedding dress into a chasuble as an ordination present. He would wear it for special occasions, like my high school baccalaureate.
That’s lovely that St. Gianna was thinking of this even before her wedding.

Anonymous said...

Wedding dresses also make beautiful baptisimal gowns.

Margaret Mary said...

I once sewed a wedding dress for someone and she made a baptismal gown out of the leftover fabric and lace.