This morning marked the opening of the holiday bazaar at The Parish. While The Parish can't be accused of being in the 60s theologically or liturgically, the prices at the bazaar certainly are of that era.
For $16, I came home with:
- 2 vintage Pyrex mixing bowls
-some pretty napkins, for use in my new project, a rag rug (more about that in a few days)
-an icon of the Resurrection
-a German glass ornament of Noah's Ark
-a pair of handknit child's mittens
-a handknit child's sweater
Not bad! Here are some things about the bazaar I think my parish does well:
-Organize items (tables include: Christmas, New Gifts & Gift Baskets, Silent Auction, Raffle, Religious, Hand Knits, Books, Kids, Grandma's Attic, Canned/Baked Goods)
-One pays by table, rather than a centralized checkout.
-Putting the most high traffic areas in the most logical spot
-Have a kids' craft table.
-Have good food options available
-Have an area with tables and chairs for taking a break
-Update inventory, so people come on Saturday morning and stop by again after Sunday Mass
Some improvements could be:
-Not stacking items, especially those that require a lot of browsing) directly in front of tables (I was almost impaled by a brass chandelier!)
-Displaying items in one layer, rather than precarious stacks
-Taking items out of boxes
Does your parish have a bazaar? What does it do well?