I am really happy with how my older son's All Saints Day costume turned out. I purchased about 3/4 yard of 60" decorator fabric and 10 yards assorted gold and silver satin ribbon for from our local Catholic thrift store for seventy five cents total and few common household materials and a raid of the rag bag rounded out the supply list.
The fabric had been cut in two pieces- one selvedge to selvedge piece less than half a yard long and one smaller irregular piece. I used the larger piece to make the chasuble and the smaller for the mitre. The chasuble was pretty easy- I cut a poncho shape, finished and hemmed the edges, and sewed on the trim in a yoke shape.

Our parish All Saints Day party offers prizes for families who come costumed in saint groups. The son pictured will be St Augustine of Hippo; I will be St Monica (pashmina as a headcovering, tears drawn on cheek with eyeliner); the baby will be Adeodatus (cloak); and my husband, declining to be St Ambrose, will be Patricius (bedsheet toga).
What's the best All Saints Day costume you've seen?