Thursday, December 31, 2009

A surprise from Church Ladies Down Under!

Your blog hostesses received a surprise in the mail yesterday from our Australian counterparts: a package containing bottles of Golden Syrup (you're right, ladies, we hadn't seen that before),

and a cookbook from the Country Women's Association of Australia,

containing such delightful-sounding recipes as "Puffaloonies", and several ingredients with strange names that we had to google (they turned out to be pretty common things like golden raisins and peppers).

The card enclosed with the package said (in part), "N.B. pages 170 & 172 for ANZAC biscuits, originally invented to sustain the soldiers of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps." Naturally, that was the first recipe we tried, with delightful results.

Many thanks to you, Rosalind and Lucy, for your wonderful gift! It is much appreciated, and we'll be drinking a cup of tea to your health and saying a rosary for your intentions!


  1. Golden syrup! A classic from my London childhood!

  2. The enclosed card specifically notes Anzac Biscuits ("originally invented to sustain the soldiers of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps")and I have to admit, my first thought was of hardtack (an American Civil War counterpart). Fortunately, I soon remembered that biscuits=cookies, and I discovered that this recipe=fantastic!

    1 cup self-raising flour
    1 cup sugar
    1 cup rolled oats
    1 cup desiccated coconut
    125 g butter, melted (11/20 cup)
    1 tablespoon golden syrup (corn syrup would work)
    2 tablespoons boiling water
    1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
    Preheat oven to 180 C and grease a baking tray. Sift flour. Place all dry ingredients into a basin, mix thoroughly. Add melted butter, golden syrup and boiling water to which the bicarbonate of soda has been added. Mix to a firm consistency. Place spoonfuls of mixture onto the tray. Bake until brown.

  3. We've also had fun learning about the following ingredients which were not familiar to us and/or generally available here :
    kangaroo loin
    Marie biscuits
    Nice biscuits
    Heinz Chicken Korma soup
    garam masala
    castor sugar
    bacon rashers
    tasty cheese
    jelly crystals

  4. Thank you for the Rosary!

    Golden syrup goes really well on porridge (or oats) on cold winter mornings. Of course, in the old days we had to prise open the tins with a spoon.

    Honeycomb is another favourite using golden syrup.

